WM Nutrition to The Rescue

Health and weight management are continually on my mind. Winter is coming to an end and of course I wasn’t as active as I wanted to be, but it’s not about looking back. Looking forward I have a game plan and WM Nutrition has been a huge help for me personally—a true rescue.

Cold mornings come up and the last thing that I want to do is get out of bed and head to the gym. Really, my energy level lately has been off and I need something to push me to not only get me through my workout, but sustain me through the day.

WM Nutrition Preworkout

Pre Workout Game Changer by The Modern DadPersonally, I love the preworkout because it’s a quick shot of powder (like a pixie stick). I take it when I am leaving for the gym, and by the time I get there, it’s kicking in. What can I do on a pack?

  • Elliptical – 45 minutes/level 7
  • Swim – 30 minutes
  • Work all day with plenty of energy

Maybe you’re not working out, but need the energy to get through the day and get tons of things done. Don’t worry, I have taken a preworkout for just that situation. One Saturday morning I took a preworkout and the gym was closed. I went home cleaned the entire house:

  • Vacuumed entire house (even stairs)
  • Scrubbed bathrooms
  • Dusted everything
  • Took out garbages
  • Laundry – washed, dried, folded, put away
  • Vacuumed cars

That was all done by 10:00 am. I still had the energy to be present with my kids. So does the preworkout work? I think so.

WM Nutrition AdvantraSlim

WM Nutrition to The Rescue by The Modern DadAsh Wednesday – marks the start of Lent, where people over the globe give up certain foods or habits to improve their health or demonstrate self-restraint. Now, I am not catholic, but maybe I should give up one of my bad habits for at least 40 days.

What did I give up? Soda, mostly Diet Coke, consumption because it is getting out of control.  Thankfully, AdvantraSlim has been able to help me get through this. Usually around 3:00 pm I hit a wall where I need an extra little boost. Diet Coke did that for me before, but now I mix this with my water, sip it down, and I am good for the day.

At first I was constantly craving Diet Coke, but just having the different flavors to drink is satisfying my need for something other than water. Really, I love it.

Favorite flavors:

  • Blueberry Acai
  • Sangria
  • Pineapple Strawberry
  • Raspberry coconut
  • Mojito

I think the next time I am getting that citrus pack because grapefruit is life!

WM Nutrition All Natural Protein Powder

WM Nutrition to The Rescue by The Modern DadHere is the great thing about the protein; the bag is a bag of individual servings. I can grab and go, without having to worry about measuring and if I am getting the proper amounts. Best part, the cookie and cream flavor will blow your mind.

I mix it with a banana, almond milk (only because lactose intolerant), and protein powder. It’s like a delicious ice cream smoothie, but healthy. I try to take this right when I get home from the gym and drink it while making my breakfast.

I promise, you will not be disappointed on this one either.

WM Nutrition Sleep It Off

WM Nutrition to The Rescue by The Modern DadReally, with all I do during the day falling asleep it is hard for me. The second my head hits the pillow, I’m out. Sleep It Off is a supplement comprised of all natural ingredients that burn work while you snooze. Individuals will typically experience the effects of Sleep It Off within 15 to 30 minutes of one serving taken just 30 minutes prior to the desired bedtime. Along with increasing the number of calories burned, Sleep It Off also promotes resting energy expenditure, healthy cortisol levels, balance of hormones, and much more. The formula possesses numerous benefits for overall bodily function.

Here are two benefits I will get with this, burning calories while I sleep and getting a good night sleep. I have a tendency to wake up multiple times through the night. Also, once I’m up it’s hard for me to fall back asleep. I am hoping this one will help me get a full nights rest.

Basically, I am a fan of WM Nutrition. Check them out, and if you use the code JASON50 you will get 50% OFF! What are you waiting for? This promotion will not be around forever so head over to their site and pick some things up today.

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