Mr Clean & Lysol: My Kitchen Cleaners

Most guys are not going to go to the store and purchase their favorite cleaning supplies on a Saturday morning because they are so excited to get the house clean. Well, welcome to one of the reason why I am the modern dad.

I love to clean, but I have to have products that smell amazing and make my house look amazing. This is why I thought I would share with you two of my favorite cleaning products: Mr Clean & Lysol Antibacterial Kitchen Cleaner.

great for freshening the floor

great for freshening the floor

I am huge on smell. If it smells good then I am all about it. Especially when it comes to my cleaning products. So the new Mr Clean is great because it not only has great scents (my favorites are New Zealand Springs and Meadows and Rain), but it now lasts two times longer.

What I do for cleaning my kitchen floor is I take a bucket of hot water, put in the right amount of Mr Clean, and throw a small towel in there to soak. Then I get my Swiffer and put the wet towel on the ground and use the Swiffer to hold it down and basically use it as a mop. It makes cleaning the floors quick and super easy. Plus, it smells amazing.

freshen up those countertops

freshen up those countertops

Now when it comes to counter tops I want something that will kill germs and smell fantastic. A friend of mine was wiping down her counters and I thought it smelled amazing. Of course, being the crazy obsessed cleaner that I am, I asked her what it was: Lysol Antibacterial Kitchen Cleaner.

This is great after you’ve just made a meal and want to wipe everything down. You spray some on the counters, wait a bit, and wipe off. Super simple and makes clean up a breeze. I love the citrus scent because to me I grew up with the smell of lemon cleaners and so it just triggers that cleaning memory to me I guess.

These products are great and they won’t disappoint. Especially if you want a phenomenal smelling kitchen.

1 Comment

  1. mandy
    11.15.2013 / 10:34 pm

    um you must add kaboom and magic erasers. couldn’t live without them

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