10 Favorite Kid Costumes for 2017

Halloween is a favorite holiday at our house. We love having a theme, and making sure everyone one is part of that: circus, pirates, Little Red Riding Hood. It’s a blast thinking up our Halloween costumes and have made a tradition of doing fun themes each year. We start with our kid costumes then work off those. Let me tell you what I mean. 

10 Favorite Kid Costumes for 2017 by The Modern DadOur first year as a little family of three, we wanted our oldest to be an elephant. My wife, the amazing seamstress that she is, whipped out an elephant costume. Then we thought, “Should we be zoo animals?” No…we’re more of a circus. The theme became a reality: me the ring master, my wife the ring master’s assistant, and our main event—the elephant.

10 Favorite Kid Costumes for 2017 by The Modern DadYear two was just before having our daughter. We had purchased a wooden ax (major mistake for a toddler) and wanted to include that in our son’s costume. If he was going to be a woodsman, what would we be? Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf. Again, my wife whipped up a hood, and we made our costumes.

10 Favorite Kid Costumes for 2017 by The Modern DadThird year we had an addition to the group. Our son was loving pirates and so that’s what we were all going to be. For our kids, my wife kept making their costumes. Our son, Captain Hook, and the rest of us were his crew.

10 Favorite Kid Costumes for 2017 by The Modern DadWhen we went to Chicago, we were there for our son’s birthday. In the Disney Store, he found a real Captain Hook costume and fell in love. It has been a hit and he wanted to be Captain Hook again. We went with it and became Peter Pan, Wendy, Hook, and Tinker Bell.

We were learning that it was easier to just buy the costumes for our kids. Halloween costumes have stepped up their game since I was little. I may not be one to get a costume for me, but my kid will get anything. I love the variety there are and share with you my 10 favorite Halloween costumes for 2017.

10 Favorite Kid Costumes for 2017 by The Modern DadLittle Witch – June & January $40

10 Favorite Kid Costumes for 2017 by The Modern DadPirate vest with removable parrot – Love Lane Designs $68

10 Favorite Kid Costumes for 2017 by The Modern DadBaby squirrel woodland costume – Pottery Barn Kids $69

10 Favorite Kid Costumes for 2017 by The Modern DadBaby narwhal plush vest costume – Target $16

10 Favorite Kid Costumes for 2017 by The Modern DadBlue flying super hero set – Lovelane Designs $95

10 Favorite Kid Costumes for 2017 by The Modern DadStar Wars X-wing 3-D costume – Pottery Barn Kids on sale $58.99

10 Favorite Kid Costumes for 2017 by The Modern DadSnow White Costume – Disney Store $31.46 – $34.96

10 Favorite Kid Costumes for 2017 by The Modern DadPeter Pan Costume Collection – Disney Store $31.46 – $34.96

10 Favorite Kid Costumes for 2017 by The Modern DadLego Ninjago Prestige Costume – Target $40.00

10 Favorite Kid Costumes for 2017 by The Modern DadJustice League Wonder Worman – Wholesale Halloween Costumes $25.11

After looking for kid costumes, I think we know what we’re doing this year. What are your plans? Hopefully, this has helped and given you ideas for your Halloween kid costumes this year.

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