Birthday: My Favorite Holiday

Ever since I was a little guy I loved birthdays. I don’t know what it is about them. Maybe it’s the attention, the gifts, the spoiling, but what I really love is getting to be with those I love most.

::my super "suite" 26th::

::my super “suite” 26th::

I have loved this #birthdayweek so much because I have been able to give to others and not even focus on myself. That is really not like me, but I just love sharing with others. That’s why this week I have been giving away three of my favorite things.

::happy 29th::

::happy 29th::

What is different about this year is that I am finally a father. In years past it has alway been about me, “What am I going to get? Where should we go to dinner? What am I going to wear?” All questions that would run through my head every year.

::celebrating my wife's birthday::

::celebrating my wife’s birthday::

Now that I am a father, all I care about is that I am with my family, we are happy and healthy, and that they are taken care of. That’s all.

That is why I wanted to give to others this year. I have everything I need and have ever wanted, but giving to others is the greatest gift ever. Okay, little cheesy, but it really does make a person feel good to give.

Thank you all for the many birthday wishes and love. Make sure you’re following me on Instagram for all the birthday updates. And for the final birthday week giveaway. It’s going to be amazing, I can feel it.

1 Comment

  1. 01.18.2014 / 5:06 pm

    Happy Birthday to the cutest modern dad ever!! Hope one day my boys can follow your example!! Phil already does 😀 Hope all your wildest dreams come true this new year!!

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