Chasing My Milestones

This post was made in collaboration with Chase Freedom Unlimited. As always, all opinions are my own.

For me, achieving the goal of healthy living isn’t going to happen overnight. But in the past month, I have already noticed a change in myself. Maybe it’s because of my big 2019 goals toward healthy holistic living, but I think it’s also because I have set smaller goals along the way to get myself there. 

Breaking My Habits

I am an all or nothing kind of guy. I set my goals and I go all in, but this time I thought I’d start small and simple. For the month of June, I set up my healthy living challenge at work and I can say, I completed all my goals with it. I wanted to keep trying to better myself in small simple ways: no soda at work, 144 oz of water a day, and 60-minute intense workouts. These goals may have been small, but they pushed me.

Not only that, I have now finished my first race of the year. Granted, it was only a 5k, but you know what? That’s a great place to start. It’s something. This is how I get myself out of bed every morning at 4:00 am to go to the gym. It is a simple way to start and I am excited for the other races I will be doing this year.

Earning on Every Purchase

Running is easy for me because I know how to motivate myself. I use my Chase Freedom Unlimited card to earn 1.5% cash back on every purchase. Whether that’s races, running shoes, or carb-loading meals I am always earning on every purchase and bringing myself one step closer to my goal. 

Having a cash back credit card makes me feel so much better when purchasing anything I need to reach my goals. I love it because I can put a monthly gym membership payment on repeat. Not only will I not have to worry about the payment going through, but I also know that I am earning cash back on it at the same time. 

I am super proud of what I have already accomplished, but at the end of the day though, I am most excited for what’s to come. Who knows, maybe I will finish this year off running another marathon. I am starting to get that itch, but I think that’s going to require some major training tools… 

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