Achieving Healthy Living Is Unlimited

This post is in collaboration with Chase Freedom Unlimited. All opinions are my own.

My health journey is something that will always be a part of my life. This year, I am excited to  team up with Chase Freedom Unlimited to reach my goals and share my Always Earning journey. Now, a goal is the result or achievement toward which effort is directed. My goal is to get in better shape and do it through multiple goals along the way.

In 2017, I set the goal to complete my second marathon, the Disneyland double dare challenge, and run in a Ragnar race. Not only did I complete both of those but I also completed many other races to get me to the final goal of finishing a second marathon. For me, having multiple goals along the way makes hitting that larger goal a little easier.

Chase has provided me with a toolkit to help me start my health journey and I couldn’t be more excited about it. With the items in this toolkit, I will be able to better achieve my goals and work towards the final goal of better health.

Tracking Progression

If you know anything about me, you know that I love tracking my progress. Therefore, a fitness tracker is essential. My new one will help track cardio levels, keep heart rate zones (fat burn, cardio and peak) and also help me watch my sleep stages.

For me, tracking my progression and seeing the changes that I make as I go along this journey pushes me the most. I also love that my fitness tracker keeps me accountable. When I don’t reach my daily goals, I will do anything to make those final fireworks go off.

Increasing Workout with Extra Tools

Squats are probably my least favorite thing to do−seriously! But when I do them, I know I am working my largest muscle group, therefore burning more calories. These bands are going to not only help push me further doing squats but they’re also fun to use for a variety of other exercises.

Have you been on Pinterest to see all the amazing at home workouts you can do with just some simple bands? That is what I will be doing when I can’t get up and go to the gym. You know, being a parent and finding the time to go to the gym can be almost impossible. Modern dad problems. Not anymore!

No More Running into Dehydration

Running is a must! I want to run in more races this year and having the right tools on hand will be beneficial for both training and the actual races. How freaking fun is this water bottle? Making it easier to run without carrying around a gallon jug of water.

Having a water bottle that I can clip to a workout belt, or even just carry is going to help keep me hydrated as I run. I know that proper hydration is vital to keeping in shape and staying healthy.

Throughout this year you will see me racing again, exercise in ways that are easy for the gym, but also at home when I can’t make it to the gym (three little kids). Using my Chase Freedom Unlimited cash back credit card is not only going to allow me to earn 1.5% cash back on every purchase, but it will also help me achieve my goals and bring more benefits that I never would have thought of. Believe me, I am super excited about this and for you to follow along.

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