DIY Pocket Square, but Not What You Think

When my wife and I were first seeing each other (literally the second day) I had stopped by Target to buy a package of plain white T shirts. I wore one that night, but never wore the rest. During our closet clean out my I was about to throw out those shirts when I thought, “Maybe I could give these shirts a simple upgrade”.

.this is a small selection of the fabric we own.

.this is a small selection of the fabric we own.

Well, being that my wife has tons of extra fabric laying around our place I thought it would be fun to take some of that fabric and create a simple pocket, but use fun and different fabric choices.

I am no seamstress, or clothing designer, but I love to add a little something to my clothes to make them different from what everyone else is wearing. At the same time it’s not wild and crazy and you have total control of what type of print you want to put for a pocket.

{simple things make a huge difference}

{simple things make a huge difference}

Plus, it’s super cheap.

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