Favorite Board Books | BabyLit

When it comes to books for little kids, you can’t go wrong with board books. They are durable, your kids can’t tear out the pages (for the most part) and they are easy to pack on the go. Some of my favorite board books come from BabyLit; making amazing primers, travel books and alphabet books. BabyLit has released more to their collection of classic novels, new primer series with Merilee Liddiard, of Mer Mag, and the funnest alphabet books.

Classic Novels for Kids

boardbooklibraryI have never been one to really want to read a classic novel, but BabyLit Makes me want to. Taking novels like Little Women and The Odyssey and turning them into books that kids will love. Of course I know the stories of these books because they are classics, plus I have seen the movies.littlewomentheodyesseybooks

I love sitting with my kids and reading these stories to them in ways that we both enjoy. There is no way either of us would be able to sit down to read any of these classics together, at least at our stage in the game. And when you see your kids sitting in their room reading (or at least flipping through the pages) of classic literature it makes you feel good.insideclassicbooks

Because of having books like these in our home, I hope that my kids will love the stories. Maybe they will want to read the actual version one day. Preorder them here.

Pretty Primers by Mer Mag

fairybookprimersBabyLit has quite the collection of primers (any book that presents the most basic elements of any subject). They have added to their collection and I couldn’t be happier.

mermagbabylitIf you are like me, you love Merilee Liddiard who has created the funnest fairy primer books. Her art and style is like none other and I love every bit of it. I love her use of drawings and the flowers that she incorporates into her images. I’m super grateful to be able to add these books into our library of board books for our little ones.

A is for Awesome Alphabet

sabertoothbookSince my son is getting ready to start preschool next month we have been working on numbers and the alphabet. The release of the Greg Paprocki’s alphabet series. These unique board books teach your child their ABC’s and history at the same time.

sisforsabertoothMy son is absolutely in love with his S is for Sabertooth book because he is in love with dinosaurs. He loves the “Twenty-six Stone Age concepts paired with Greg Paprocki’s adorable illustrations from cave painting.”alphabetbook

You can’t go wrong with BabyLit. Every time I think they couldn’t think of anything cuter, this happens.

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