Favorite Ice Cream Places in Utah

When you live in Utah, you know that you are going to be eating ice cream. I don’t know what it is that makes us so obsessed with the amazing deliciousness, but I am fine with eating it and making sure I am eating the best. But if you are going to eat the best, you need to go to the best.

Nothing is more refreshing than taking your family out for the night to get a bowl, cone or a mixture of both of this refreshing treat. Thankfully Utah has some amazing places to get your hands on great ice cream and custard. I wanted to share with your our favorites and what we love to get at each place.

  • Favorite Ice Cream Places in Utah by The Modern DadLeatherby’s – Since I grew up in Taylorsville, this is the ice cream destination that everyone and anyone was going to. A local, family owned creamery that makes their own ice cream that comes in huge portions and great prices. My go to is Tracy’s Peanut Butter Cup: vanilla ice cream topped with peanut butter and hot fudge. One of my favorite parts, when digging through the ice cream, you get to the bottom to find the surprise of hot fudge at the bottom of your dish. Check them out.

The best location I feel is Taylorsville, but they are also in Draper.

  • Favorite Ice Cream Places in Utah by The Modern DadNielsen’s Frozen Custard – A friend of mine introduced me to the place years ago and I have fallen in love since the beginning. Nielsen’s makes chocolate and vanilla custard daily, but they will also create a flavor of the day. My favorite is a chocolate concrete (which is what they call it) with brownie bits and caramel mixed into it. Sometimes I splurge and switch out the brownie for Oreo’s. Honestly, it’s amazing, creamy and a I’m pretty sure I eat it down before we get home (which isn’t very far).

Favorite Ice Cream Places in Utah by The Modern DadHolladay location is my favorite, but they is also a Bountiful one and South Jordan coming soon.

  • Favorite Ice Cream Places in Utah by The Modern DadIceberg Drive Inn – My dad grew up down the street from Iceberg, so we have been getting it for years. Iceberg is known for their above the rim shakes. You know that if you order a shake, you basically are going to be getting way more ice cream than you expected. You can always count on me getting a Grasshopper shake: mint ice cream with Oreo’s mixed in. Not only is the ice cream good here, but so is the food so make a night of it and enjoy the jump back in time.

Many locations, but my favorite is the Original Iceberg.

  • Favorite Ice Cream Places in Utah by The Modern DadTropical Dreams– Are you ready to have your mind blown? When we were in Kauai a couple years ago we talked to the locals finding the best ice cream place on the island. “Tropical Dreams is a must!” they told us. We found it and had to go every single night. It was magical and the best ice cream I had ever tasted. One night when we were there, we talked to the owner as he was scooping out some delicious toasted coconut ice cream out for me and asked where I was from. “Utah” I quickly responded. “Did you know that there is a Tropical Dreams there? It’s in Salt Lake City!” What? Turns out, Tropical Dreams is located in a small little shop on 9th and 9th right next to the yoga studio.  The Tropical Dreams is so close, but is only open during the summer months. Believe me, you won’t want to miss it. Lucky for you, they opened TODAY, so go try them out and let me know what you think.

928 East 900 South Salt Lake City

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