Emily’s June Reads

Is it even summer if you don’t read a book or two? Emily’s favorite thing to do is read or listen to books while she does the daily home to do’s. Laundry, workout, carpooling, or…

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Your April Favorites

In the month of April we were able to set up the back patio with our furniture, start enjoying outdoor activities with the kids baseball and softball games, and even get through a few puzzles…

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Our Closet Organization Must Haves

You know we love to be organized! We have a spot for everything in our house. One of our favorite areas that we organized is our primary closet. Before the remodel, we each had three…

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Emily’s February Favorites

New month, new favorites! Here are a few things that have made our life easier and brought us a little bit of joy during the wait of the remodel. Have you used any of them?…

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Repurchases of my Favorite Products

I know you see hundreds of products pushed on a daily basis, I do too. But these are products that I actually use and love and have had to repurchase recently because I use them…

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