Instagram Looks | Where to Get Them

When I post a picture on my Instagram account, people are always wondering where I get everything. I figure, why not make your life, as the reader, a little bit easier and show you our top 10 Instagram looks we love and where you can get them for your little ones.

People are constantly asking where we shop for our kids and we have some favorites: Gap Kids, J Crew, Carters. But we also love to try to get pieces that not every kid they are playing with could be wearing: Arq, Whistle & Flute, Childhoods Clothing. At the end of the day though, it doesn’t matter what your kid is wearing, as long as they are happy and getting that attention they constantly want. That’s all that matters, right?

Her Saturday look is on point??how’s your Saturday been? #littlepoppyco #childhoods #babygap #freshlypickedmoccs

A photo posted by Jason Dunnigan (@the_modern_dad) on

Bow | Little Poppy Bow Co

Sweater | Childhoods Clothing

Pants | Baby Gap

Moccasins | Freshly Picked

Working on teaching this kid to blow kisses. He doesn’t just blow them, he throws them. #Crewcuts #hmkids #chucktaylors

A photo posted by Jason Dunnigan (@the_modern_dad) on

Pull Over | J Crew

Shirt | Gap Kids

Pants | H&M (older, similar here)

Shoes | Converse

He loves it when I wear my matching @johnnycupcakes shirt. #twinners #fatherandson #jcclassiccrossbones #jcrew

A photo posted by Jason Dunnigan (@the_modern_dad) on

Me – Shirt | Johnny Cupcakes (this one is LA store only, similar here)

Shorts | J Crew

Sandles | Birkenstock

Son – Shirt | Johnny Cupcakes

Shorts | Gap Kids

Shoes | Converse

Good morning. Happy Saturday indeed!!! #shoparq #littlepoppyco

A photo posted by Jason Dunnigan (@the_modern_dad) on

Bow | Little Poppy Co.

Dress | Arq

Tie | J Crew (similar here)

Shirt | Gap Kids

Pants | H&M

Shoes | Freshly Picked

Bow | Simple June

Dress | Arq

Pants | Baby Gap

Moccasins| Freshly Picked

Shirt | J Crew (Similar here)

Bow | Simple June

Wrap | Solly Baby

Backpack | Breton Company

Pants | Baby Gap

Moccasins | Freshly Picked

Sunglasses | Gap Kids

Shirt | Emme & Tilly

Short | Peek Kids

Socks | Stance

Shoes | Converse

Bow | Little Poppy Co.

Dress | June & January

Tights | June & January

Moccasins | Freshly Picked

The weather keeps getting better and now we can play outside,! #whistleandflute #gapkids #newbalance

A photo posted by Jason Dunnigan (@the_modern_dad) on

Shirt | Whistle & Flute

Posts | Gap Kids

Shoes | New Balance

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