Chatbooks: The Easiest Way to Save Family Memories (Without the Scrapbooking Mess)

Listen, I’ll be the first to admit—I’m not the designated memory keeper in our family. That honor goes to my wife, who somehow remembers to take pictures of everything from our kids’ first lost teeth…

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#12DaysofGiveaways | Making Memories With Chatbooks

It was 2014 and a start-up company had reached out asking that I be included in getting the word out about them. I was happy to help because they were offering a product I could…

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Simple Memory Keeping Items + Discount Codes

You think before you have kids that you will be great at remembering all the moments that happen. Fast forward to being a parent and you can barely remember what happened this morning—and it’s 7:47…

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Grandparents Gift Guide

I could rattle off gifts for me and my wife for days, but when it comes to our own parents it can be hard to get them something they would actually enjoy. Why is it…

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Chatbooks: The Fun and Cheap Mini Albums

In 2010 an amazing app took us all by storm, Instagram! When it first came along I thought it was stupid because who would ever want to just see photos with short little captions. Little…

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