Chatbooks: The Fun and Cheap Mini Albums

In 2010 an amazing app took us all by storm, Instagram! When it first came along I thought it was stupid because who would ever want to just see photos with short little captions. Little did I know that I would be using Instagram on the reg (aka regularly).

instagram logo

It’s so fun to go through my feed and see all the old photos that I took: when I proposed to my wife, great times with friends, and just moments after my son was born.

It’s one thing to look at all the pictures on your phone, but it’s so much better to be able to hold those photos in your hands like an old photo album. I mean, there are plenty of apps that you can use to create printed copies of your Instagram photos, but Chatbooks has a completely new and original idea.

Chatbooks have a great concept by loading all your photos, then once you get to 60 photos it automatically sends you a book for $6. No monthly charge. If you aren’t posting to Instagram a lot, that’s okay.  You aren’t going to be charged if you aren’t taking pictures, but when you get to that 60 you get to create a new little book. Even better is the fact that you can exclude any photo you don’t like from your book.


Not only do I love that fact that it makes it possible to put your pictures together, you can add contributors. I have a personal Instagram account and an account for The Modern Dad. Not only did I put pictures from both of those, I also added photos from my wife’s account.

Then it organizes the photos (all or certain ones you select yourself) in order of when you posted them. You get the title of the book added to the binding along with the dates that are in the book.

And the final little detail I am obsessed with, the fact that whatever you said on the picture in Instagram is going to be under the picture in your Chatbook. I was dying at some of the things I had said for a few of my posts. There is also the option to remove the information from the book if you just want pictures.


Now, here is the best part, when you order 3 you can get 1 free when you use this code from Freshly Picked. Isn’t that great? Now go and start Chatbooking away. You’ll love the day the mailman drops a load of books off on your porch.

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