Simple Ways to Serve Others (Without Making It a Big Production)

We’ve all been there—walking through the store, minding our own business, when suddenly we see someone struggling to juggle a cart, a screaming toddler, and a handful of groceries. Do we walk by and pretend…

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Bringing Back Laundry Service, It’s Washed

Laundry is the worst. It’s time consuming, it is a nightmare to separate everything and I would rather do so many other things than laundry. It’s washed is something I enjoy hearing, but not something…

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Our Secret Service

There is something very interesting about the Secret Service. Mysterious and no one knowing what they have done, or what they are currently up to. That is why we have decided to create our very…

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Jaw Dropping Customer Service

I love when I get treated like a king at a store. There is nothing better than walking into a place, being greeted by a friendly normal person that is actually willing to help you…

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10 Things I Learned from Fathers

Since becoming a father, I have really been able to look back and think of all the lessons, examples, and traits that my father, grandfather, father-in-law, and friends that are fathers have taught me. You…

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