10 Things I Learned from Fathers

Since becoming a father, I have really been able to look back and think of all the lessons, examples, and traits that my father, grandfather, father-in-law, and friends that are fathers have taught me. You…

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TBT: Neon is the New Black

It’s making a come back and I’m loving it. Enjoy and be sure to add some neons to your kids clothing collection just like our parents did to us in the early 90s. Hint of…

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Easter Best

Easter is in the air, which means that Spring is in the air! Best things about spring time and Easter is wearing your bright colors and letting your outfits speak for themselves.  Nothing tells people…

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DIY Pocket Square, but Not What You Think

When my wife and I were first seeing each other (literally the second day) I had stopped by Target to buy a package of plain white T shirts. I wore one that night, but never…

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Fashion Trend I Didn’t See Coming

When it comes to fashion I am all about the newest trends. I am not afraid to try the newest trends that are happening. In fact I love the challenge of taking something that used…

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