Letter’s of L-O-V-E

I have always loved writing. In seventh grade I won a contest for the best short story. On my LDS mission I would write the longest letters (before you could email) to my friends and…

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Just a Simple Hello

When looking for fun, cute, simple clothes for kids you can never go wrong with basic sweatshirts and T’s. They have been around since the 50s and they’re not going away anytime soon, but what…

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{O L Y M P I C S}

It’s that time again that I am glued to the TV at the oddest hours of the day. The Olympics are here and I couldn’t be more excited. I am not a huge sports fan

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Worth the Toothaches and Cavities

I don’t know what it is, but I can try everything in the world and there is no getting rid of my sweet tooth. It seems likes every month has it’s own little holiday that…

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Good Night Mist

What is it about a fresh smelling bed that makes everything so much better? I love it when I have washed the sheets, made the bed, and then at the end of the day turn…

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