Marathon Training Week Eight | Thankful Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was yesterday and it gave me a full day to think of all the things to be thankful for. Do we as individuals think about what we are thankful for more than on this one special day? I would hope so, but I wanted to share why this marathon training has helped me be even more thankful.

For the past few years, on Thanksgiving I was able to participate in small and simple 5K races. It would keep me thinking about being healthy. Last year my wife’s family did their own little race where we got fun little medals, hot chocolate and enjoy being together.

Marathon Training Week One | Eye Opening by The Modern DadTwo years ago was a blast because my wife’s uncle had talked a bunch of us into doing a local 5K where we donated food as our entry fee. It was a great time where we could not only be thankful for our health and ability to run, but also help those in need. So often we don’t think so much about others on these holiday’s, but really should be. Also, the entire time I ran with my son in the stroller motivating me to keep going.

Marathon Training Week Eight | Thankful This Thanksgiving by The Modern Dad
What is it about our kids that keep motivating us? Every morning this week I have been exhausted because my daughter is teething and not sleeping through the night. Waking up two or three times a night to get her a bottle and help her fall back asleep takes a toll on you, but you still need to keep going.

AMarathon Training Week Eight | Thankful This Thanksgiving by The Modern DadTaking my kids for a walk the other day I would run a little getting them excited to go. My daughter would laugh and the wind would blow through her hair. And my son would just keep cheer me on like he always has, “Go dad go!!!” I don’t want to get to the point where I can’t enjoy these moments with them.

How thankful I am for my little growing family that motivates me every single day. They are the reason I get up every morning. Why I go to the gym before they wake up and try to get my health better for them. I couldn’t ask for a better support system. All of them cheer me on and I truly am grateful for them all.

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