You know we all have one! A bag that is a catch all for keeping kids entertained during church, roadtrips, or other social events. So the question we get asked every single week as we walk to church….what’s in your church bag? So today we’ll walk you through all the things that fill our bag and keep our kids entertained.
First step: find a bag!
Doesn’t matter what you use to keep it in, chances are, you will add more things to it each week and might clean it out once ever couple of months. Here is a basic bag, I found on Amazon but have others linked too. I think the best part is that you can change it up depending on the season or the outfit. I always love to match my accessories.
Quiet things:
The biggest thing is having things that keep them quiet. Small simple activities that will keep them engaged and reverent. Some of our favorites are sewing activities, coloring, I spy books, stickers, and pattern toys. I wish I could say they work every time but that’s not how it works. I think the trick we’ve found it to rotate the items in the bag so that they find something new every time they open it. Toys are fun when you don’t see them every week. So keep a basket somewhere with quiet activities and load it up each week. One of the hardest things about church bags is that after a couple of weeks of loading, they weight 30 pounds and you have no idea what’s inside. So take some time either before or after church to rotate items and keep your bag looking fresh.
Quiet books:
Emily loves to sew and started making fabric quiet books when our kids were small. They are treasures and always a treat to add into our Sunday rotations. She knew that quiet books don’t make money for all the time that goes into making them and so she created little play houses that serve as a purse or home for little dolls or figures.
Our girls carried these everywhere when they were little. Sometimes they still find their way into our quiet bags and put a smile on our faces to see them love something we spent so much time to create. If you’re interested in a play house, send a DM to @em_dunnigan and she’ll help you find the perfect one for your family.
So what are we missing? Have you found something your family loves?