The Ultimate French Fry Taste Test: A Fun Family Night or Epic Date Night

As a dad, I’m always on the hunt for fun, easy activities that bring the family together or even make for a unique date night with friends. Enter the French fry taste test—an adventure for the taste buds and a surefire way to bond over everyone’s favorite crispy potato treat.

Picture this: a mountain of French fries, a selection of dipping sauces, and a whole lot of laughter. That’s what you get when you decide to take on the noble quest of determining the best French fry out there. It’s a perfect low-key, high-fun activity that requires minimal planning but guarantees maximum enjoyment. Plus, who doesn’t love fries?

Here’s how it works. First, choose a selection of fast food restaurants and places that you believe offer the best fries in town. This could be your typical fast food joints, the diner down the street, or even that fancy gastropub that makes “artisanal fries” (whatever that means). Pro tip: go for variety. Think crinkle-cut, shoestring, curly, waffle—it’s the Olympics of French fries, and everyone deserves a chance to win the gold!

Next, set the stage for a proper taste test. You’ll want to serve these fries in identical, unmarked containers to keep things fair and unbiased. Nothing too fancy—paper plates or even brown bags work just fine. Line up your sauces (ketchup, ranch, cheese, and maybe even a few wild cards like garlic aioli or sriracha mayo), and you’re ready to roll.

For us, all we did was stayed in the car and ate them right as we got them because we wanted to eat them hot. The other rule was, we couldn’t modify the fries in any way. Meaning, however they came is ho0w we ate them. No adding salt or anything, what you see is what you get.

The fun part is in the tasting. This is where you get to channel your inner food critic and start debating the merits of each fry. Is it crispy enough? How’s the salt-to-potato ratio? Is it too greasy, or does it have that perfect golden crunch? You’d be amazed at the strong opinions French fries can bring out in people. Even the youngest family members get in on the action, often providing the most enthusiastic critiques. Seriously, the kids absolutely LOVED it!

And if you’re doing this as a date night with friends? Trust me, it’s even more hilarious. Watching grown adults argue over the texture of a waffle fry is peak entertainment. Who knew grown adults would get so heated over a basic French fry.

What I love most about this activity is its simplicity. It doesn’t require a lot of effort or planning—just a love of fries and a sense of adventure. And it’s an easy way to create a memorable experience without breaking the bank. To make it even easier, I have this sheet you can print out as your judging card.

So, whether you’re gathering the family around the table or setting up a fun night with friends, a French fry taste test is the perfect way to enjoy good food, great company, and a whole lot of laughs. Just be prepared for the fierce debate over which fry reigns supreme—and don’t forget to have some napkins on hand!