33 Things You Don’t Know About Me

Turning 33 is just another year for me, but I am excited for what this year holds. A great way for you to get to know me better is by me sharing some fun, weird and interesting facts about me.

Here you go:

  1. Family is my number one. Family comes first and you don’t mess with my family. I will do anything for them and make sure they are always happy.
  2. I love my friends like family. My entire life I always wanted a bigger family with more siblings, but it never happened. So instead I just made my friends family. Once you become a friend of mine you’re a best friend for life.
  3. I love The Challenge on MTV. I watch old seasons over and over and feel like I know all the people on there. I once stalked cast members at a wedding and talked to them like I’d known them forever.
  4. Krush on Kardashians. Look, I love the Kardashians. Why you ask? I don’t know. They’re funny to me and I just enjoy watching them and their drama.
  5. 250 Pairs of jeans. At one point in my life I owned over 250 pairs of jeans. Little obsessive.
  6. I hate body hair. I get waxed, shave my arms regularly and make sure to have it all removed on a regular basis.
  7. Want four kids. I can’t have an only child because he’d be way too spoiled. I was one of two and if we ever fought on trips we didn’t have anyone else. With three, someone is always having to ride alone at Disneyland.  So four is just perfect.
  8. Designer obsession. I don’t know where I got this from, but I love expensive, designer products. No one in my entire family has ever been into it and somehow, some way I fell in love with quality, expensive things. One day I will go to stores like Tom Ford, Louis Vuitton and Gucci and not even think twice about a purchase.
  9. Nail biting. I have tried to quit, multiple times, but I can’t stop biting my nails to save my life. When times get stressful you can tell because all my nails are bitten off.
  10. Surgeon dreams. I wanted to be a surgeon when I was little. Weird, but I loved the human body and wanted to be able to fix others imperfections.
  11. First concert. I never was a concert goer, but I went to my first concert when I was 22 and it was Jessica Simpson. Don’t judge. Since then I’ve been to 25 concerts.
  12. Goodbye braces. When I was little I had a big gap in my front teeth. I had braces to make the gap smaller. I hated them so much that I tore them off myself.
  13. Weight loss secret. I’m lactose intolerant so if I want to lose weight quick, I just have to eat a bowl of ice cream or cold cereal.
  14. Competitive. If I am on a team and no one really cares I just do it for the fun of it, but if they are all serious and want to win big, I will do everything in my power to win. I get very competitive.
  15. Perfectionist. It took a year before I would let my wife do my laundry because it had to be done a certain way.
  16. Running and running. A friend once talked me into doing a marathon (LA Marathon in 2005) and I was hooked. Since then I’ve done multiple half marathons, but want to do another full.
  17. I’m adopted! Even though I look just like my parents, it is true, I’m adopted.
  18. Shoe boxes. I keep all my shoes alphabetized in their boxes to make it easier to organize and find which one is which.
  19. Just do it. If there is something I want to do I will just try it. Once a friend made me a jean quilt, so I decided to make one for a friend. Did it in two days.
  20. Clean freak. I honestly love to clean. If I only have one day off I will make sure to get the entire house clean before I do anything else.
  21. Sweet tooth. I love candy. It is probably the hardest thing for me to stop eating when I try to be healthy. I recently was in Las Vegas and purchased well over $50 in candy. Ate it all! I really love sour candy, black licorice and jelly beans.
  22. Not a crier. I used to cry over everything: if I sang a note wrong, took a wrong turn, stubbed my toe, anything. Eight years ago one of my best friends died and I bawled like a baby. Haven’t cried since.
  23. Mr Westminster. I was nominated for a Mr Westminster competition and told myself, “If I’m going to do this, I will win!” Well, I won and did everything I had to so that I could take the title. Even dancing Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies’ in a leotard and heels. #sorrynotsorry
  24. European dreams. I have never been to Europe, but will go one day…and probably do a lot of shopping.
  25. Worked at New York Fashion Week. Did an internship and worked for Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein at fashion week. Coolest experience of my life.
  26. Not a real reader. I haven’t ever been into reading, well at least not reading real books. I loved reading celebrity books: Kardashian Konfidential, Decoded by Jay Z, etc. Recently that changed and I have been hooked on books by Malcom Gladwell.
  27. No McDonalds. I haven’t had McDonalds since high school. I read “Fast Food Nation” in college and since then wasn’t able to go back.
  28. Childhood memories. I have an amazing memory. I can remember exact details of moments from my childhood. Sometimes I can’t remember important things but I sure can remember stupid details from my past.
  29. Disney. I have a Disney obsession. I have collected Disney action figures from years and years of going to Disneyland and now love watching my son play with them. Every year my family goes to Disneyland and it always feels like the first time. Recently we were blessed with the great experience of going to Disney World. I love watching Disney movies with my son and hope he loves them as much as I have.
  30. Fierce. For years I was the Abercrombie guy and always wore Abercrombie Fierce cologne. I finally decided that I wanted to move on from that and it has been hard to not continue to buy it. I am sure I will get it again, because it’s that hard to stay away.
  31. Tri me. Another friend once said, “You’ve done a marathon, have you ever thought of doing a triathlon?” That was it! I needed to try something new and trained hard. My first triathlon I won third place in my age division and couldn’t have been prouder. I have done lots more and really enjoy the challenge of three events.
  32. Organizer. I love to organize, especially closets. I even was a closet organizer for a long time and made money from it. Sometimes I miss it because I can only organize my family’s clothes so many times.
  33. Nose Surgery. When I was younger I used to get bloody noses at the drop of a hat. Got a little work done and that is no longer a problem.

Hopefully now you know me a little better and here is to another 33 years for more memories and random facts about me.

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