A Cubby’s Christmas

Look, I am really not a Provo fan at all, but for some reason they have the best places to eat. Why is that?

Fortunately for me I have a brother-in-law that lives there and lets me in on all the places that are a must stop for anyone in Utah, or even if you are traveling through Utah.

So what place am I talking about today? Cubby’s Chicago Beef.

-i love fun places to eat-

-i love fun places to eat-

I feel like this is a place anyone could go to and find something that they would absolutely love. Their foods range from burgers and sandwiches to amazing salads and a few options for fries.

-so many amazing options-

-so many amazing options-

My personal favorites are the Dragonslayer burger (unfortunately I have never remembered to take a picture) and Tritip Salad.The Dragonslayer is probably the only burger that I will order and NOT change it at all.

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