A Simple Trimming

It’s too long! It makes my face look fat! It’s not looking right anymore!

What am I talking about? It’s that haircut that we all love to get which changes how we feel about ourselves. Every 3-4 weeks I love getting my haircut because it’s my time to sit back and watch as I instantly go from frumpy to phenomenal.



What is it about getting a haircut that makes us feel so much better about ourselves? I know for me I feel like it makes my face look a little thinner. I feel fresh and like a whole new person. And, since I have tons of thick hair, I feel like it takes a load off my head.

Not only do I love a good haircut, but I am obsessed with hair products. The only problem is, as guys, our line of products tend to be discontinued time and time again. I will fall in love with a product and then for no reason they will stop making it and I have to find something new.

::Unite Beach Spray. Men's Dept Forming Paste::

::Unite Beach Spray. Men’s Dept Forming Paste::

Currently I am loving Unite Beach Day spray. It’s great because it makes your hair feel like you just walked out of the ocean with that salty hair feel. And then I follow that up with Mens Dept forming paste to firm things up a bit and give that sleek look of a modern gentleman.

When my wife was pregnant she went a little long on the whole coloring thing.

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