Marathon Training Week 14 | Aches and Pains

I get it, when you are constantly running and working your muscles you are going to have aches and pains. Since I am running so much does that mean I will just always hurt and be sore? When I think about it, it makes sense, but what can I do to help ease the pain while I’m training?

dr_teals_epsom_saltThe greatest tip I have ever gotten is soaking in Epsom salt. Have you ever tried that? When I ran my first race years ago, a friend told me to fill a bath with warm water, pour a bag of Epsom salt in there and just soak it in.

Relieves pain and muscle cramps. An Epsom salt bath is known to ease pain and relieve inflammation, making it beneficial in the treatment of sore muscles. Honestly, when I do this after a long run I am totally good for the rest of the day and the next day.

Have you ever felt like you try to rub your muscles only to feel like it does nothing for you? When a friend showed me how to use a foam roller my life completely changed.

foam_rollerThe benefits of foam rolling have to do with the mobility of the fascia. Fascia is a fibrous layer of connective tissue that surrounds all of the muscles in our body. Without proper mobility, fibers of the fascia become cross linked and they bind to muscles and nerves, inhibiting normal motion and causing pain.

Honestly to just roll on that foam makes life so much better and your muscles will totally thank you for it. Make sure you Google different exercises that will benefit you in different ways. But if you ask me what to do, I just roll on that thing until I don’t hurt anymore.

Do your legs stiffen the morning of the day after you have a big run? I mean, Ibuprofen helps, but having the right shoes and just stretching makes a major difference. Maybe you’ve been running forever or are athletic and this is a obvious fix. I on the other hand am neither of those things so when I took the time to really stretch before and after running I noticed a huge difference.

If you warm up it helps raise the temperature of your body. Your muscles need that so they’ll be ready for exercise and prevent injuries. Now that your body is warmed up, it’s time to stretch. It’s important to remember to warm up first because stretching “cold” muscles can lead to injury.

Basically, simple things can change how your body feels after all this running. I have loved the time I have spent running and having time to think, but my body has gotten tired. Thankfully these simple suggestions have helped me and can help you too. Give them a try and lets cut down those aches and pains.

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