And Then We Were Three

How is it that yesterday my son was just in my wife’s stomach and now he’s six months old? Time flies way to quickly and it seems like yesterday that we were in the hospital waiting for my baby boy to join our family.

It was Sunday night, August 18th and we were getting into bed. My wife had said that it wouldn’t surprise her if he came after his due date (August 20th). Everyone we knew that was pregnant and due after us had already had their babies. We knew he was stubborn, like his dad, but this was getting crazy.

As we laid in bed and my wife said that she felt like maybe she was having a contraction. Since she never had a baby before she wasn’t sure what they were supposed to feel like. Rumor has it, they’re different for everyone and you never know what they’re like until you’ve experienced them. I’m grateful that I’ll never know what it’s like, but it didn’t look fun.

She started measuring her “contractions” and seeing if they were every five minutes and they were. The doctor had told us that if we think we’re having contractions to just head over and have them test her. I was super excited and knew that this was it.

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