After the Infertility – Adoption

To start, let me introduce myself. My name is Keelee Seguin.  I’m 33 years old, I live in the beautiful state of Utah, I am an active member of the LDS church, have done hair…

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Dad Bod: Overcoming the Struggle

Recently the term “Dad Bod” has become ever so popular. The dad bod applies to any man — father or bachelor — with a physique that’s a “nice balance between a beer gut and working…

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Conquering Cerebral Palsy

Isn’t it crazy how life brings you lessons that you would never expect to be challenged with. The best part is we can overcome anything if we have the right focus and know that it will…

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Is That Raccoons I Hear?

Is there anything scarier than the sound of something behind your walls? What if that something turned into four somethings and could easily come through your fireplace? Have you ever been sitting in your family…

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Remembering Memorial Day

  Starting a family of your own, you start to have your own traditions. I remember growing up always going to see all the graves of the family members that had passed every year on…

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