Marathon Training Week 18 | This Damn Inversion

Utah is known for their gorgeous mountains, greatest snow on earth, but also the worst air quality? This winter weather inversion is the worst, but how bad is it? And really, is it that bad…

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Marathon Training Week 17 | Winter Running, Why Do It?

Living in Utah, it is pretty inevitable that if you run outside, you are going to be running in the snow. I hate snow! When I came to the fact that I was going to…

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Marathon Training Week 16 | Let’s Get Serious

We are 20 days into the New Year. Have you given up on your resolutions already? It’s not too late to get back. Now that my birthday is over and the holidays have ended, it’s…

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Marathon Training Week 15 |Making & Seeing Changes

Fifteen weeks is a long time to do something consistently. As for  my running, I had been keeping up with it for 15 weeks straight and actually seeing changes. I’ve said it before, I have…

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Marathon Training Week 14 | Aches and Pains

I get it, when you are constantly running and working your muscles you are going to have aches and pains. Since I am running so much does that mean I will just always hurt and…

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