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Healthy Paprika Halibut

Growing up I wasn’t ever really a fish fan. Halibut was the last thing I ever wanted to eat, but getting healthy though my options are chicken or fish and I am pretty sure I…

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The Kale Salad Kick

Kale has never been something that sounded all that great to me. It was too bitter for me and I felt that its only use was for a garnish at buffets. Well, you really can’t…

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Healthy Eating Plan: Week 1

February is half way done and people are dropping like flies when it comes to their New Years resolutions. Less people are at the gyms and more people are at the burger joints. It happens…

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Favorite Valentine Treats

I love Valentine’s Day and all the great valentine treats that people get each other for this loving holiday: the chocolates, strawberries, cinnamon bears, and my favorite…conversation hearts. Valentine treats will melt their heart and showing…

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Breakfast Detox Drink

I am not one to get sick often, but when I do I will do, take or even drink anything to get better faster. For years I had heard how taking a shot of this…

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