DIY: Chalkboard Blocks

Raising a child that is active and interested in everything makes you want to find them toys that are not only entertaining but also educational, helping them use their imagination to its fullest. What better way to do that than making chalkboard blocks.

These blocks encourage creative play as they can be stacked making small towns, big cities or their local neighborhood. There’s more though, you or your child can personalize the blocks with chalk adding windows, doors, signs, people, animals or anything else. This will take their block building and imagination to the next level.

Not only will they use these blocks for building their towns, but with the chalkboard paint they are able to turn the blocks into signs and food for their imaginary grocery store. These blocks really can be used for so many different things, and coming from a guy that isn’t the handiest with tools, this is a simple DIY any dad can do for their kids.





Five Simple Steps to Making Chalkboard Blocks

1. Cut 2x4s and 2x6s:

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We decided to do three different lengths for the 2×4 and just one length for the 2x6s. (4, 6 and 8 inch pieces for the 2x4s and 8 inch pieces for the 2×6) I cut some of the blocks to make rooftops, but you can easily just use square and rectangle blocks.


2. Sand the blocks:

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You will want to make sure to get rid of any parts that could cause splinters. Be sure to get all of the corners and edges.

3. Prime the blocks:

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I put one coat of primer on each side of the blocks. Make sure to wait at least two hours after priming before you start to paint.

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4. Paint blocks with chalkboard paint:

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I did three coats of this because I wanted it to be nice a dark. Wait 30 minutes for each coat to dry. This will result in a better looking block.

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The same goes for the colored blocks. I purchased four fun, bright colored paint samples to make these pieces stand out more. I painted all of my triangle blocks with color.

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If you have a little toddler like me, help draw some fun images on the blocks for them. Or let them go to town on the blocks themselves.

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For older children you can let them work on their spelling and writing by letting them do the words and images themselves. It makes the blocks look so much cuter to have them personalized by little hands.

After you’re done you will have created a fun gift to give for the holidays that your child will cherish forever.

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