Football and Fatherhood

People loving hearing a dad’s prospective, but it’s so much better when you can get the prospective from multiple dads. That is why I have decided to start The Father’s Perspective. This will give other dads a chance to share their personal stories of fatherhood and us as readers to be able to relate to more fathers.

I am excited to have my guest today. He is amazing on the field, playing kicker for the University of Utah. Andy Phillips is not only keeping busy on the field, but he is staying even more busy off the field. Recently becoming a father to the cutest little boy, I asked Andy to share what it’s like to be a new father while trying to juggle a rigorous football schedule and classes.

max on my hand

Many people ask me, “What’s it like to kick a field goal? What goes through your head right before you kick? Do you get a rush performing in front of such large crowds?” To be honest, I don’t really know what goes on in my head. I stick to my usual set up routine, stay focused, and just do my job. And yes, standing on the field in Rice Eccles is a huge rush, but now that I’m a dad nothing really compares. The day Max was born tops the charts as one of the best days of my life. The moment I held my son for the first time I was filled with all sorts of emotions; pride, love, an intense sense of protectiveness, and awe. It was amazing.

The life of a student athlete is very busy and intense. I have to juggle morning workouts, practice, meetings, watching film, lifting, and games along with the normal stresses of school. Add all the duties of fatherhood to that list and my life is pretty crazy. Many might say that your typical collegiate football player doesn’t quite stereotype as a father, but in a way football has prepared me for fatherhood. I’ve learned important life lessons such as hard work, time management, mental toughness, preparation, and much more.

My wife, Megan, is extremely supportive and I’ve been lucky enough to schedule my time in a way that I can spend time with my family. I condensed my classes to two days a week, which means that I’m on campus from sun up to sun down on those days. However, it allows for me to be at home with Megan and Max in the mornings on those days I don’t have school.

People wonder if having a newborn would negatively impact my performance at football. Yeah I might be bit more tired, but overall I would say Max has spurred improvement in me. I have so much more to work for now. When I go out for kick off I get so pumped just thinking about my little guy watching me at home. It’s like he has given me this extra boost of energy. I want to work harder, be better, and make him proud. I want to be someone he can look up to.

baby max

Being a football player comes with its challenges as does being a father, but the rewards far outweigh the challenges. I’m grateful for a beautiful healthy little boy and supportive wife who make it all possible. I’m also grateful for the best teammates who love Max and support me as a father. I can’t wait for the rest of this season and to watch Max cheer on his favorite team. Go Utes!

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