I admit it…

I watch Dancing with the Stars.  There I said it!  Is it sad that I’m slightly embarrassed to say that?  It all started as a little chance of luck.  Our TV reception is often touch and go that we spend most of our viewing experience through Hulu Plus.  One night we were looking for something to watch and it was the only show we hadn’t seen.  We turned it on and NOW… we’re hooked.

DJ Tanner

I’ll blame it on Candice Cameron. She was my childhood crush. I mean who doesn’t love DJ Tanner the girl with 3 dads?  She is so full of life and I just know she has to be the most amazing mother. Hello!!! The girl said that she didn’t want to dress immodestly (granted she mentioned religious beliefs), but she also said to be an example to her children.

I do however feel bad for those few contestants that you know will not go far. It’s almost sad watching them try to compete especially when they are working against gold medalist competitors.

ABC's "Dancing With the Stars" - Season 18 - Week Five

My favorite night has been the Disney hits. Being such a Disney fanatic myself, they nailed every single dance. If you haven’t seen it you are definitely missing out.  They nailed the characters and had the best dancing I’ve ever seen on the show.  So if you’re looking for something to do on Monday or any night really… come over and we’ll watch DWTS.


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