I Stay Thin by Making You Fat

My wife and I have decided that it is time to kick our bad eating habits and start a lifestyle change for healthy eating. One problem though, I love to bake. And I love to bake when I am stressed or just trying to figure things out. So how do I solve this problem? Make others around me fat and bake for them.

I had a crazy couple days and just needed to have a little relaxing time. I looked on Pinterest, like I always do when I need a new recipe, and found this little gem: Texas Gold.

It was late at night, I was already exhausted, but I really just needed to make something. What is great about Texas Gold is that it doesn’t need a lot of ingredients….so basically ANYONE can make it.

I decided that I would take these to work and see if anyone would like them. It was the biggest hit I have taken in. I go in at 8:00 am and by 11:00 am they were gone. I guess that means they loved them. Well, that and the fact that everyone came over to my desk to tell me that they were the greatest thing they had ever had. Some of them hadn’t eaten breakfast so clearly these were a fantastic alternate.

All I have to say is that if you want to impress anyone and you feel like you really can make anything that’s that impressive then these are the treat for you. Try them out this weekend and everyone will love you. Enjoy!

texas gold 1


 Texas Gold

by Kevin {&} Amanda

1 box yellow cake mix
3 eggs
8 oz cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, melted
4 cups (1 lb) powdered sugar

Preheat oven to 300 and spray a 9×13 dish with cooking spray. Mix cake mix, melted butter and one egg to a soft dough. Press into the bottom of the pan. Mix powdered sugar, softened cream cheese and remaining two eggs until smooth, about 1-2 mins. Pour on top of crust. Bake at 300 for 40-50 minutes until top is golden brown.

1 Comment

  1. 05.23.2014 / 7:41 am

    Great post thanks for sharing your thoughts

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