Learning From Our Children

It’s crazy to look back at the last seven months thinking about all the things that my little son has taught me already: patience, love for children (I’m not a huge fan of kids), and caring more for another person. I truly have changed for the better because of him.

For this I think about all the things that I have taught my dad (being that it’s his birthday and all). So let me look back at the last 31 years of lessons that I have taught him and what I personally can learn too.

1. Sheer Joy: I will never forget the day that my son was born, but for my parents it was completely different (as it is for all parents). Theirs was different because I was adopted and back then it wasn’t like it is now. My parents had adopted my sister three years before and had wanted another child.

For years they waited and waited for her and were waiting again for me. One day the phone rang, the woman on the other side said, “Hi, we have a little boy for you.” Ummmmm…a what? My parents were stoked. They were going to have another child, but they weren’t prepared at all.

We knew at 20 weeks what we were having and started his nursery and preparing to have him in our home. My parents had to get it all together last minute.

Then, as they went to the hospital to get me, they had to leave without me. How hard would that be? You just saw your baby boy for the first time and had to leave without them in your arms. I was jaundice and pidgin toed. I had to stay in the hospital longer under, what I call, the tanning lights. But once they finally got to take me home, that sheer joy can be taught no other way. You know it only when you experience it.

2. Laugh with Life: When looking at old family videos I was always the one entertaining and making everyone, including my dad, laugh. So many times in life crazy things happen, but sometimes you just have to laugh them off.

:: love riding roller coasters

:: love riding roller coasters

The other day we decided to give my son a cracker. He thought it would be a great idea to shove the entire cracker in his mouth at once. Well, it wasn’t fitting and he was choking, threw up everything he had eaten, and made a huge mess. Me being the clean freak that I am was up set at first, but looking at my son’s face and the look he had I couldn’t help but laugh.

::my dad can put on a show too::

::my dad can put on a show too::

My dad was the same way with me when I was little.

3. Making Family Memories: We love to take our son to the zoo, little road trips, and excited to take him on our first big family trips this summer. My dad has done this same thing with my family for years.

::we won $750 on a cruise one year..BINGO::

::we won $750 on a cruise one year..BINGO::

From trips to Hawaii, cruises to the Caribbean, Disneyland, or little road trips all over Utah. My dad has always made sure that the family was together, making memories, and enjoying every minute that we have together.

::Trip to Niagara Falls::

::Trip to Niagara Falls::

So to my amazing dad, I hope to be able to learn from my son like you’ve learned from me through all of the amazing experiences that we have shared together. I love you and I am grateful that you are the man I call my father.

1 Comment

  1. Amber Burns
    04.01.2014 / 9:35 am

    Wow – you are so grown up, where did you go? LOL. Jason this is an awesome article. It made me shed a few good tears. And I couldn’t agree more with the commentary on your “awesome” dad. It was fun read for me.

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