Monday Meal Prepping | Pesto Chicken and Veggies

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Losing the dad bod isn’t as easy as I thought it was going to be. Before, when I would want to lose weight all I would do is take a few pills, go to the gym and the pounds would drop. Being that I want to make a lifestyle change, I figured it was time to make some major changes.

mealprepping4Whenever I try to eat healthy for lunch it doesn’t last very long. I tend to do it for a day or two, then get over it and start eating ridiculously unhealthy. Because of this I decided that I just needed to do two things: track what I was eating and portion control.

Looking at different ways to track my eating came to two options: MyFitnessPal or any other similar app. Since I have my phone on me constantly I knew that it had to be an app. Then every time I go to put food in my mouth I put it into my phone and see if it’s worth it. Thinking about it this can be a little dangerous because if you worry too much about being under that number your body can go into starvation mode. Believe me; my body will never go into starvation mode anytime soon.

mealpreppingNow that I had a way to track my calorie intake I had to make sure I was eating exactly what I needed to. By meal planning this made it so much easier for me. I would eat the exact same thing for lunch at work every day that week. Prepping all my food on Sunday and making enough to last until Thursday. Since I work every other Friday, I would make a fresh salad that morning for my lunch instead.

mealprepping1My first week of lunch prepping I wanted something that would be different than what I had done before. I found this recipe for delicious pesto chicken. Since I don’t like tomatoes I wanted to mix it up and use some of my favorite things


Give it a try and start your own meal prepping journey with me. I’d love to hear your favorite recipes for meal prepping.

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