Mrs Dunnigan’s Ode to Dads

I’ve always been grateful for my dad and the amazing man that he is. He does so much for so many and does it willingly and selflessly.  He will put himself last every time and will do whatever he can to make you feel like you are his biggest priority, and believe me you are.  He is my hero and who I try to be like each and every day.  He has shown me how to live and taught me the kind of person I want to become.

My perspective of fathers has changed slightly now that I have a family of my own. I have a totally new appreciation for fathers and the priceless role they play in our family structure.  My husband is the greatest example of a fearless, faithful, fun father.  He puts our needs first and is always going out of his way to make sure we have everything we need.  He brings light to our lives and joy to our hearts. He is what makes my world go round.  I would be completely lost without him.  I am my best self when I am with him and want to always be better because of him.  We make one powerful team.

This last week was rough in so many ways but he was my rock. He stood by me every step of the way and held me and my little family together like the strongest super glue around. He cleaned the house from our stomach flu infestation and nursed us back to full strength.  I often get texts or phone calls throughout the day just checking in and reminding me how much he truly cares for us. This week it meant a lot more.

Honestly, I think the favorite part of my day is the anticipation for his return. I still get butterflies when I hear the door knob turn signaling his arrival.  As a little girl I loved singing the song “I’m so glad when Daddy comes home” and always remember my dad jumping in to help out the moment he walked through the door.  Then almost immediately a big sigh of relief passed through our entire home.   It wasn’t until I became a mother and had some long hard days with baby that I realized that song was written by a mother.

I love being a mom but there is something about life that is great when I have my husband around to mentally, emotionally and physically help carry the load. Today was one of those days.

I had a fabulous day with my son running errands, working while he napped, reading books, playing cars, etc. We were so productive and he was such a good little helper. We were ready with dinner for us and the neighbors when daddy got home but when he walked in the door I lost it.  I was beat.  Our active toddler loves watching me clean up his messes and only wanted to be held for the two hours prior to dad’s arrival. Everything I tried to feed him ended up on the floor or the wall and I was completely exhausted.  Did I mention that he worked late the night before and that he was home long enough to choke down the dinner that I had prepared before he was off to do some volunteer service at his alma mater, Westminster College?

This amazing man reaches out and does so much for so many. He is literally the modern dad and amazes me every day.  He would be home in an instant if he knew this is how I felt so don’t tell him at least until next time. So rather than being upset that he isn’t here I write this ‘Ode to Fathers’ while my son screams himself to sleep and I drink a big glass of Diet Coke.  I think I earned it today.

So here’s a toast to all you single moms/dads who do this day in and day out. You deserve the lime and coconut to make it even better.  Did I mention how much I love my husband?

Signing off from my ode to dads, the modern dad’s wife.

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