The Only Animals I’ll Own

Animals have never really been a thing that I have wanting in my home. I just don’t like hair all over my stuff, my yard and home getting destroyed and the cleanup is basically like having a baby for the rest of their lives. It just isn’t for me.

Now, that being said, I will say that there are some animals I would let into my home because of their cuteness and I think that you should have them in your home too.

animals - welles in crib

The Animal Print Shop

by Sharon Montrose has produced the most amazing animal prints. Their Little Darlings series will blow your heart out of your chest from cuteness.

animals - Welles

Welles, of Nothing Down About It, is especially excited about these cute animals prints. His mother Oakley says about his nursery that “it’s a simple little room. But I go rock my angel in his chair and it feels quite peaceful and lovely. Just like Welles.”

animals - print collage

The animals photographed for this series are real live animals, raised (and many rescued) by loving, experienced and dedicated animal keepers and handlers who care for them as their own and ensured their welfare while being photographed (in studio or outside at the facilities where they live, then photoshoppped into the backdrop). Through this series, they have helped support several organizations devoted to animal rescue, educational programs and nurturing wildlife.

The Animal Print Shop by Sharon Montrose

Are these prints not to die for? These are a must have for every nursery or even just for putting around the house.  Making a cute collage of favorite animals or even just a simple group of prints together is amazing.


Honestly, these prints are a favorite of The Modern Dad and I will definitely be putting some in my son’s room with his love for animals. But what are you waiting for? Get your favorite animal prints here.

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