Perfect Portable Baby Dock – DockATot

Sometimes you just need a place for tummy time, a portable baby dock or need help transitioning from a crib to a bed. DockATot is the perfect answer for all these needs. I love the versatility, lightness and much much more.

I love having a place to keep your little one in on the floor or couch and you know they are going to be comfortable, safe and relaxed. I never have to worry if my daughter will roll off the bed. The shape of the DockATot is perfect for lounging, tummy time or keeping little ones from moving all over the house.

Recently, our daughter was super sick: coughing, major congestion and little to no sleep unless one of us was holding her. I am so grateful that we had the DockATot on hand during this time. There is an inclined pad around the perimeter which allows your baby to be slightly propped up while sleeping. If that’s not enough though, you can easily put them width wise propped up by the rounded corners so that all that congestion can drain down their throats. This pad was perfect for our newborn who had a little reflux at night and preferred to be propped up.

Perfect Portable Baby Dock - DockATot | The Modern DadIs it just my children or do your’s like to sleep as close as they can to your body? Well DockATot has been a lifesaver because my kids have found something else to spoon during the night. I am amazed at the difference from pre-DockATot to now, my baby is sleeping longer stretches and needs less soothing during the night. Plus, I don’t have to worry because DockATot is made so that there is plenty of ventilation and air flow making it so there is no need to freak out about suffocation.

When my kids, or anyone for that matter, get sick I want to do anything I can to make sure they are comfortable. I love that with the DockATot I know that they are going to be comfortable and it’s super easy to clean up. The cover zips off and you can just throw it in the washing machine. I love the the pillowed sides will keep my little one cozy and comfortable when they aren’t feeling their best.

Maybe you are going on a road trip, you don’t have a lot of space to pack the pack-and-play, why not bring your DockATot? I swear, since our daughter has been sleeping in this she has slept so much better, which means we sleep better. And we all know traveling throws off your kids sleep schedule. Plus, it’s light weight and easy to grab and go. And I would rather my child sleeping in their clean DockATot than who knows what in one of those cribs at the hotel.

Perfect Portable Baby Dock - DockATot | The Modern DadAnd finally, I love the size. My son loves to lay in the DockATot while watching his favorite show in the family room, and he’s two and a half and fits great. Granted, I got the Grand size, but I love that it fits perfectly in the crib. Not only that, but both kids can fit in there together and cozy up while enjoying a show or some fun music. Really, I just love seeing the two of my kids cuddling together and when they are completely comfortable I love it even more.

Basically, DockATot does it all for our family. We love it and I know you will too. Get it here.


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