Sticking to a Schedule

My wife and I direct an elementary school play and since October we have been at the school every Wednesday and Friday morning from 7:30-8:30. The show is over and now we go back to our regular schedule.

I am all about having a schedule and sticking to it. You get so much more done and feel really accomplished when setting a schedule.

If you are a Freshly Picked fan, Susan recently released, through Atly, Freshly Picked Biz School: Goal Writing with Susan. She talks about the importance of having a schedule and sticking to it. Susan mentions that she gets up and goes to the gym every morning and that is “Her Time”. I know what she means by that. I love going to the gym for my me time. It is the only time I have in my day to get some reading in and just time to think about what I need to get done that day and for the week.

It’s hard trying to get everything done that I want for the week. When I plan it out though, it is a lot easier because I see what needs to be completed. So what is my weekly schedule? Well, here you go:


  • Wake up 5:00 am
  • Gym 5:30-6:45 am: I do 20 minutes on the elliptical where I read, then a weight lifting schedule and finishing it up with swimming.
  • Make breakfast and get ready 7:00-7:45: Breakfast is four egg whites, two Morning Star sausage patties and a teaspoon of Cheyenne pepper. Plus I mix up a drink of Kefir, frozen berries, powder acai, chai seeds (I have the chai seeds soak in the Kefir overnight) and fiber.
  • Work from 8:00-4:30
  • During my lunch, 12:00-12:30-ish, I usually have a salad or steamed vegetables and grilled chicken. Then, I try to get a mile long walk done outside.
  • Home by 5:00
  • Dinner at 5:30
  • Go for a walk around the neighborhood from 6:00-6:30 or 7:00.
  • Play with Nixon around the house for about an hour before getting him ready for bed at 8:00.
  • Put Nixon to bed by 8:30.
  • Watch our favorite shows and get meals ready for the next day from 8:30-9:00 or 9:30. If there is a lot of shows that we really love on then usually until 10:00.
  • Lay out my workout clothes for the next day and get all my gym stuff ready for the next day.  In bed by 10:00 or 10:30 at the latest.


*Only thing really different these days is my morning*

  • Get up at 4:00 am
  • At the gym by 4:30: When I get to the gym I go into the spinning room to save the bike I want (especially on Tuesday because the class is packed). Then I run on the treadmill for 30 minutes, spinning class from 5:30-6:30 and swim for 30 minutes. Kind of like a mini triathlon every week.


I sleep in a little, but not much. I usually get up at 6:00 am. I like going to the gym while my wife and Nixon are sleeping because I don’t want to miss out on spending the day with them.

When you have a schedule you really will get it all done. Gives you complete focus and lets you know what has to be accomplished for the week. You can do it! If you ever want to follow me along on my personal schedule follow me on Snapchat at doingitagain.

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