Supporting Local

There is nothing I love more than shopping. What’s even better is when I can go to a place that has lots of fun hand crafted products all in one location. Well, I hope that you were all able to stop by the amazing Bijou Market this weekend and pick yourself up some amazing finds.

Bijou Logo

Here were some of my personal favorites:

When I walked in the first thing that caught my attention were the amazing reclaimed wooden signs by Salty Bison. Every time I see their pieces I fall in love all over again.

Salty Bison

This piece was my personal favorite. What I really loved about it was the words are separate wooden pieces that were attached, but the whole this is super cute, creative, and would look amazing in any little kids room.

As I continued my was through the packed market of moms with their strollers frantically trying to get around I came across another amazing find by Green Stitches.

Green Stitches

I don’t know if it’s the brown hair, brown eyes, or the bow tie, but there was something about this particular doll that i felt like I had to share with everyone.

Her products are not only cute and fun, but she hand paints each face making them super fun, cute, and unique. When my wife saw them she said, “They are even cuter in person!”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Continuing through the craziness of Bijou Market we found many amazingly cute prints, but this one by Wildfield Paper Co. was our pick.  What drew our attention to this were the fun colors, quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, and the flowers surrounding the quote. In our kitchen we have a screen print of flowers by Picasso and we felt that this would go right along with it.

Cifford and Sons

And last, but not least, one of our very favorite products were the amazing Clifford & Sons wooden blocks. We have the Rainbow Luke stacker and the Garrett Sailboat blocks and we are huge fans of these wooden toys. Our new obsession are the Morgan Building block set. It’s great to have  a place to put the blocks and the fun colors that they come in are fantastic!

So next time there is a boutique type market in your area be sure to hit it up and support your local creators. There really is so much talent out there and it’s great to see what people can do.

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