Marathon Training Week 27 | Running Ragnar

On June 2-3 I am going to run my first Ragnar race—Wasatch Back. Well, I finally found out the legs I am running and actually just got even more excited about it. But really, why…

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Marathon Training Week 26 | Rain Rain Go Away

Finally, I filled up the jogging stroller tires, got excited about the weather warming up and then comes the rain. Why doesn’t Utah weather have to be so all over the place? It’s funny because…

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Marathon Training Week 17 | Winter Running, Why Do It?

Living in Utah, it is pretty inevitable that if you run outside, you are going to be running in the snow. I hate snow! When I came to the fact that I was going to…

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Triathlon Recap

Over the weekend I was able to participate in my fifth triathlon, first since my knee surgery and first with my little family there supporting me. I don’t know what it is about doing triathlons…

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