Easter Outfits for Everyone

Easter outfits can become a little stressful. It’s the Sunday outfit that is welcomes in Spring and all the fun colors that come along with it. I figured I would help you and get all the…

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Skin Scare | Clearing Up Eczema

In the movie Big Daddy, Sonny (played by Adam Sandler) talks to Julian/Frankenstein about his eczema. I never thought that eczema would be something that we would have to deal with because I thought it…

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My Child Would Never Do That

My child would never do that. How many times have you heard about parents that think their kids can’t be the bad one in social situations? Maybe this is you and you don’t know it…

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More Than Just a Thank You

I feel like thank you cards are becoming a lost art. I remember growing up I was taught to write thank you cards for the gifts I received for birthdays and Christmas. Why is it that this has become…

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Favorite Toddler Friendly Restaurants

Toddler friendly restaurants are hard to come by and nothing makes me more nervous, or gives me more anxiety than when we decide it’s time to go out for dinner (or any meal for that…

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