The French say “Girafe”

We see them everywhere we go: on clothes, at the zoo, and even toys. But there is one specific toy that babies (and kids) go gaw gaw over: Sophie the Giraffe.

::my son loves his Sophie::

::my son loves his Sophie::

What is it about this crazy little squeaky toy that has all our kids obsessed? Well, Sophie was created to stimulate all of your babies senses.

  1. Taste: I’m not gonna lie, I tried Sophie out for myself. Doesn’t taste all that special, but since she is made out of 100% natural rubber and food paint it is completely safe to chew on. And my son does chew on her. She has bumps and ridges that feels great on a teething baby’s gums. He even loves to put all of Sophie’s legs in his mouth.
    ::edges that are great for chewing on::

    ::edges that are great for chewing on::

  2. Touch: Sophie is soft and supposedly feels like a mothers skin, giving your baby that sense of emotional stimulation that they are safe and comforted.
    ::these legs are great for teething molars::

    ::these legs are great for teething molars::

  3. Smell: You will for sure notice the smell of Sophie the second you take her out of her box. Smell is most connected to memory and with the unique smell of Sophie your child will be comforted every time there is a whiff of Hevea tree (that’s what Sophie is made of) in the air.
    ::your baby will see these spots::

    ::your baby will see these spots::

  4. Sight: The spots on Sophie are great for your babies sight, since at three months all they can really see is high contrasts. Plus, it’s not everyday you see a giraffe roaming around, which makes Sophie more and more memorable.
  5. Sound: This is the one I personally hate. I have always said that I will never buy my kids any toys that make noise. It’s annoying and obnoxious, but the second your kid is screaming and the only way to calm them down is by squeaking little Sophie, you change your mind real quick.
::The Modern Dad Approved::

::The Modern Dad Approved::

Why wouldn’t you get this amazing toy then? Worth every penny and, as a modern dad, I think that your child will not only want this, but needs it for developmental purposes. Wow, that was a big word for me. Enjoy your Sophie and if you have pictures of your baby on Instagram with her, tag me by using the hashtag #TheModernDadApproved.


  1. Anonymous
    02.25.2014 / 10:29 am

    I don’t know how I possibly raised 6 children to be healthy humans without following the latest expensive fads…

    • Bluesky
      02.26.2014 / 2:10 pm

      Sofie was first created in 1961, so I would not say that it is exactly one of “the latest expensive fads.”

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