We Have a Walker with YBike

The hardest part about being a first time parent is to NOT compare your child to others. First there’s the crawling, then the teeth, and now the walking. It’s in our nature to compare to others and we are at that stage for sure.

Y Bike

Nixon is 17 months and he is finally walking more and more. I know, you beg that they’ll stop crawling and start walking, then they do and you wish they were crawling again. Well, there comes a time where you just wish they would walk already because all the other babies their age are running circles around their parents.

Y Bike

We had to do something because we knew he wanted to do more than just walk, Nixon wanted to RUN! That is why we got ourselves a YBike.

Y Bike

A friend of ours suggested it to us and we are so glad that she did. But what is so great about it.

YBIKE PEWI features include:

• Recommended ages 1 to 3 years

• YBIKE Pewi is available in 3 bright vibrant colors Red, Blue, and Pink

• Non marking rubber directional caster wheels allow for smooth rides and easy turns on smooth flat surfaces

• Can be used indoors or outdoors. Will not damage indoor floors.

• Light weight sturdy aluminum tubing product weight only 4 lbs.

• Maximum weight 20 kgs., 44 lbs.

Product dimensions: 26” x 22” x 18”

Nixon pushes that thing all over the place. I love watching him push it up and down our hallway because he looks like he is a little old man pushing a shopping cart or a walker. It really is adorable.

Then, not only do they hold it and push it around for walking, but they can also sit on it and ride it around like a little bike (hence the bike part in the name).

He will spend hours (which really means 30 minutes tops, but that’s like hours in parent time) riding and pushing his YBike all over the house.

If you are local, you can purchase these at Babinskis in Foothill or Sandy. Or you can get them online here.

Y Bike

You will love your YBike and so will your adventurous toddler. Enjoy!

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