Perfect Toddler Travel Bag

It isn’t always easy to travel with a toddler. Finding ideas to entertain a toddler on a flight or in the car when traveling for the holidays gets crazy. Why not let me help you out and show you what we use when traveling with Nixon.

The BagFjallraven Kanken Mini Travel Bag:

Toddler travel bag

These are the perfect travel bag for your little one. The size is perfect for holding their treats, toys, books and activities. Holds enough to keep them entertained, but not so much you’ll be overwhelmed.

Activities – Magnetic Tins & I-Spy Bag:

Toddler travel bag magnet and finder

You going to want fun activities to keep their little brains going for lose long drives or flights, but are also compact keeping their seat clean. We love the Magnetic tins where Nixon will literally spend an hour taking on and off the pieces and making all of the animal noises.  Vinylicious Designs makes a fantastic I-Spy bag keeping their attentions for hours, or at least 10-15 mintues.

Toys – Themed & Favorites:

toddler travel bag toys

If you’re going to see family, pack some toys that could make them think of individuals or pets that will be seen while visiting. Always pack a toy that they love and is a good for when they have a little breakdown and need something familiar that always entertains them. And if you’re going somewhere Disney, bring some fun toys that will excite them when they see the “live” characters.

Memory MakerTwig Creative Camera:

Todler travel bag Twig Camera

Your child is going to want to “snap” their own photos along the way and at all the different places you see on your holiday vacation. So why not get them their own camera that is not only adorably cute, but unique and fun for them. Twig Creative makes these fun cameras for your little one encouraging them to use their imagination.


Traveling toddler indistrucibles

I am not going to lie, these are one of the greatest inventions I have ever come across. Indestructibles are books that your little one can hold themselves. You know how you give them a board book and they will eat the edges, tare out pages of regular books and spill things all over them. Well, with Indestructibles you don’t have to worry about any of those things happening. They can’t be destroyed: chew proof, rip proof, nontoxic, and 100% washable. Perfect for any toddlers travel bag.

Treats – Fruit Snacks & Gum:

Toddler travel bag treats

You know as well as I do that treats are a necessity, for both child and parent. Putting them in a place that is easy to access, but not easy for your child to get into where they will grab them all and finish them in one sitting.

Toddler travel bag all

There you have it, the perfect little travel bag for your traveling toddler. Here are four additional pointers that we’ve learned so far:

  • Switch activities every 15 minutes. You want to keep their attention and they don’t have a long attention span.
  • If you have to get up (on the plane) and walk around do it. It’s better to do little things to calm your child down than to have a screamer that everyone ends up hating.
  • If you need to pull over for a little out of car play time, do it. Five minutes of running around could be better than 20 minutes of screaming. Plus, the running could ware them out and help them fall asleep.
  • For the holidays, wrap the toys in their bag. This is just another thing to keep them entertained. Kids love gifts and will love being able to open some little gifts before Christmas.

1 Comment

  1. Mandy Bardsley
    12.08.2014 / 10:56 pm

    hey cute bag!

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