10 Things I Learned from Fathers

Since becoming a father, I have really been able to look back and think of all the lessons, examples, and traits that my father, grandfather, father-in-law, and friends that are fathers have taught me.

You always look up to your father and father figures as the people who teach you life lessons and the things that are most important in life.

Here are the 10 things I have learned from those fathers in my life:


  1. Hard Work – Growing up I had the most amazing examples of hard work: my dad and my grandpa. My grandpa had an apple orchard that I remember watching him move the hoses around, getting out on his hands and knees to reach into the ditch so that the water was getting to the right parts of the orchard. He was a quiet man, but worked hard at what he loved doing. Then there was my dad. He has always done so much: started up his own successful business, played professional volleyball, acted, and served in the House of Representatives. Even with all that, he would always make sure that his family was taken care of and things at home were good. These two men were amazing examples of hard work that I have always tried to follow their example.
  2. Being a Gentleman – For years and years my dad would have me open doors for my mom and sister. Always make sure that ladies went first. My dad would engrain this into me and I couldn’t be happier that he did.
  3. Serving Others – When it comes to helping others, so many fathers in my life have been a perfect example of this. I love making sure that others are well taken care of and am always willing to help those that are needing it in their life. breakfast of champs
  4. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise – There isn’t anyone in my life more healthy than my dad. For years he was always motivating me to work out, stay in shape, and get to the gym. But he really did it in a loving way wanting to do something together. I remember going to the gym with my dad and doing classes together, him showing me how to lift and lift correctly. I loved when he would spot me on the bench press and motivate me to do a little more and push a little harder. He always believed that I could do anything and that I if I kept persisting I would see his wisdom. makin money
  5. Education is Important – Not only did my dad teach me this, but his dad taught it to him. Growing up my dad was taught by his father that he needed to further his education and go to college. So that is what he did and I made sure to follow in his footsteps. I knew that if I wanted to become the successful person that my dad is then I needed to focus, get serious and buckle down to get a degree. It may have taken me longer that I expected, but I made sure that I did it because my dad knew it was important, his dad knew it was important, and I will teach my son that it’s important. disneyland with dad
  6. Family Comes First – No matter who the father is, all the guys I know have shown me that family is all you have. No matter who your friends are, how long you’ve been friends, your family is going to be the only ones that are there for you no matter what happens. They are going to be there when times get super hard and you feel like you can’t talk to anyone else about it. They are going to cheer you on when you are being successful. And they are going to be the ones to pick you up when you fall and make mistakes. So be sure to treat them the best. Love them and be there for all the little things that are going on in their lives. new york new york
  7. Perfection – My dad taught me to pay attention to detail. Growing up I would mow the lawn and if the lines weren’t straight or I missed a spot I would lose a dollar. So I made sure that I would straighten those lines and not miss a spot. I would trim our shrubs and he would teach me to make them straight and looking clean. I knew that this not only would make him happy, but also I would be happy because looking at my work I was proud and happy that I could make the yard look impeccable. I have been able to take this into my professional life and make sure that I pay attention to detail and get the job done right and get it done the way I know my dad would want it done. roller coaster ride
  8. Laughter is the Best Medicine – I’m adopted.  I learned it from my birth parents.baptism
  9. Spirituality – I have grown up in a great LDS home and I wasn’t perfect, but I have always been taught to find things out for myself and to gain my own testimony. I have found out for myself that I know that this church is true. I may have lived off my dad’s testimony for years, but sometimes that is what you need before gaining your own and experiencing things for yourself. I hope that I can be a great example to my son and let him know that I love this gospel and that if you follow it and do what you should that you truly will be blessed.
  10. Style – Here is the one thing that I have taught myself. Even before I become The Modern Dad I was always into style and caring about how I look. I don’t know where my love for clothes, style, fashion, designers, all of it, where did this come from? I guess there are just some things that different dad’s possess that they don’t always get from their father’s and the examples they have to look up to. This though, is one thing that I will claim is me and I am proud of it. Maybe my son will even learn this from me.

To all you amazing father out there, I say thank you. That you for teaching your son’s how to become men! How to treat women with respect and lead in service and spirituality. Thanks for teaching that family is the most important. And of course, thanks for letting them be individuals and become that father that you know they can be. Happy Father’s Day!

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