Simple, Delicious Two-Ingredient Dough

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Look, I am not a healthy food blogger, but when I find something I love I want to tell everyone about it. Have you ever heard about two-ingredient dough? I promise you it’s super easy and really is so good.

Let’s Talk Ingredients

Two-ingredient dough really is made out of two ingredients: self-rising flour and greek yogurt. But, if you can’t find self-rising dough then you can make that yourself.

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 ½ tsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp salt

Mix those together with a fork until they are completely incorporated. So that’s three ingredients, but only if you can’t find the self-rising flour.

What To Use It For

Well, I have made three things with this and they have all been amazing: pizza, cheese bread, and gorditas.

The dough (or crust) alone, is already so good. But then if you want to really get wild turn that into a simple pizza crust or cheesy bread and you’ve got yourself a delicious lunch item or even a quick dinner. 

Now, let’s talk about that number we all want—protein! Did you know that self rising flour has protein? I didn’t! And apparently it has 12 g of protein per cup. So when you mix that with the cup of greek yogurt (which has 17 g) this turns into an almost 30 grams of protein option. That’s not even including toppings!

Try It Out

There are tons of things you can use this dough to make, just check out Pinterest! Really though, it’s so simple that even my kids could make it and it would turn out great.