Emily’s Reads for July

Another month, another reading list! Here are the books Emily read this month and a little glimpse of their storylines. By chance she read a couple different books of several genres. So take it away Emily!

The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center

This book has been in my wishlist for a while and after repeatedly seeing it as a favorite, I finally picked it up. Talk about romantic comedy! I loved it! It had a strong female lead and made you rooting for them to get together. I think often we take on more than we should and think life would fall apart without our stepping in, this book reminded me that sometimes it’s ok to have help. It will make you smile and cry and long for more. I read it in a day and couldn’t put it down!

Happiness for Beginners by Katherine Center

Because I liked the Rom-Commers so much I immediately went looking for more of Katherine Center’s books which led me to this one. When Helen finds herself divorced and not fun anymore, she takes on an outdoor adventure to find herself. It is comical, endearing and will make you wonder what extra baggage you are carring around. Of coarse there is a little romance in there but it will make you proud for what you can accomplish if you believe in yourself. Plus there is a Netflix movie about it, disclaimer, the book is way better!

None of This is True by Lisa Jewell

If you love mysteries, then this is a book for you! I finished it one day and immediately had to start over because of details at the end. When a well known podcaster meets her birthday twin, they discover more than just a few disturbing facts about her life. It will make you wonder the whole book and chances are it will end up to be nothing you could have imagined.

The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware

I’ve read other books by Ruth Ware and love the mystery she hides in her stories. This however, wasn’t my favorite. A nanny end up in jail because of something that happened at the home she works. The only problem is she is innocent. Find out what happened and why she is worried.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This is a quick read. It almost reads like a fable, but has so many inner truths to it. I was recommended it by a friend and loved making associations to my life as I journey to find my own treasure.

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

This was a quick read but has left me thinking about it for days! In the book, he gives four agreements to live by for a happy life. Be impeccable with your word, don’t take things personally, don’t make assumptions and always do your best. They might seem simple, but he goes into great detail on why they are each important and how we are the ones who have to take control of our lives.

The part that you will not believe is that I was able to get Jason to get on board and listen to this one. So if I can get him to listen to it, I promise you will like it too. So much to learn with this one!

The Authenticity Project by Clare Pooley

I love Clare Pooley! She has written “Iona Iverson’s Rules of Commuting” and “How to Age Disgracefully.” Both books I really loved. I find that she tends to write about the aging generation and their need for other people in their lives. This book is quite similar in the search for connection with a little bit of comedy. It’s a great read.

The Book of Mormon

Every July, a group of friends and I read the Book of Mormon. We read eight chapters a day and in thirty days, the book is finished. I prefer to read, underline and mark up every page as I go, but Jason likes to listen to it every morning before his day starts (here is a few reading charts to help you track it). Either way, our lives change in July! We find we are more patient, more reflective and more connected to God. If you haven’t read the Book of Mormon, I challenge you to do it! Your life will change.