17 Day Diet: Breakfast Smootie

Clearly with the new year coming around the corner everyone is wanting to start diets and lose those excess pounds that they’ve gained over the holidays, and probably the whole year too. For me, the 17 Day Diet was the perfect plan that helped me lose the weight quickly.

breakfast smoothie

The hardest part at first was trying to find things to eat that were easy and also taste delicious. When you’re working full time and in a hurry you have a hard time trying to find simple recipes for breakfast. This breakfast smoothie is the perfect solution.

breakfast smoothy

You really can whip this up in any little blender. I have a Ninja, but also used the Magic Bullet. Both are great with their personal sized accessory. I must be an idiot though because every time I use it the thing pops open and spills everywhere. I may have over filled it, but the Ninja is literally driving me crazy. Only problem is, I can’t live without it for even one second because I love my smoothies that much.

Here is the secret though, I like to add a little something special….

Breakfast smoothy

I add the Emergen-C during the winter months to help fight anything that may be going around. Plus, the acai and blueberry flavor adds a little punch.

Breakfast smoothy

But the real secret, orange flavored fiber. This adds a kick and keeps me stay regular. I love it!

breakfast smoothie


Try it out and let me know what you think. Enjoy!

17 Day Diet: Breakfast Smoothie
Recipe Type: Breakfast
Cuisine: Smoothy
Author: The Modern Dad
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 1 serving
This simple, healthy recipe is the perfect start to your active day.
  • 1 1/2 cup Kefir
  • 1/2 cup frozen strawberries
  • 2 t fiber
  • 1 packet Emergen-C Blueberry-Acai
  1. Put all ingredients in blender. Blend for 30 seconds to a minute depending on desired consistency.



  1. Charlaine McCallum
    01.06.2015 / 3:52 am

    Do you think when you open the smoothie it is going everywhere because of the addition of the Emergen-C? Since it is a fizzy drink, adding and blending would almost make it like shaking a soda and opening it? Maybe adding the Emergen-C and mixing by hand will help with that issue?

    • 01.06.2015 / 6:55 pm

      No, I figured out that it was because it wasn’t closing the blender all the way. Whoops!!! Clearly I shouldn’t operate machinery when tired.

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