::Close Call::

You’d think that being Irish would bring some kind of luck on St Patrick’s Day, right? Maybe it’s the fact that I am adopted and not actually Irish, but I was wearing green. So I should have had good luck on that day. Well, that was not the case.

Recently, a friend of mine had passed away, to attend his funeral I needed to work longer hours this week.  So I got up, got ready, and was out of the house by 7:15 am giving me plenty of time to get to work.

The day was a little cloudy, but nice. No wind or any other crazy weather conditions. I got into my truck and headed to work. As I was driving down the road it seemed a bit of an off day already because the lady in front of me was driving 23 in a 35 mph zone. I had brushed that off though and was just enjoying my morning drive listening to my favorite radio station.

As I was getting on the freeway I started to speed up, get over to the fast lane, and do my normal OCD routine. Come to find out, that wouldn’t be the case this day.

::looks secure to me::

::looks secure to me::

The car in front of me swerved to miss a rather large garbage can that was being hit by other cars passing by. I was able to miss that completely, but then suddenly there was, what looked like a giant propane tank, spinning all over the freeway. I swerved, trying to miss it, but it slammed into the front driver’s side wheel. Then it shot across to the other side of the freeway sending sparks everywhere but missing everyone completely.

Once the propane tank hit my tire I instantly knew that I had to pull off because my tire had blown. I had always wondered what would happen if my front tire were to blow out. Now I know that I can still somewhat drive.

::pictures never do justice::

::pictures never do justice::

As I sat on the side of the freeway a cop pulled up. I got out and told him what had happened and needed a nearby tire repair place.  I had already called a tow truck to come take my truck to wherever it needed to go.

Now let’s make one thing clear, I do know how to change a tire. I just didn’t have the tools to take the tire off and I had pulled up so close to the side that there was no way that I could change it. That and the fact that this tank hit me so hard that it looked like my tire was ruined completely, making me realize I wasn’t going to even try changing the tire.

::gloom and doom::

::gloom and doom::

Once the tow truck finally showed up and took me to get the tire and wheel fixed I was finally able to start and finish my day at work.

Looking back I can totally see the LUCK the Irish provided me today!  A full 6 foot propane tank hit me on the freeway.  I should have been blown up like a scene from Die Hard.  The best part of the day was seeing the pot of gold, my family at the end of the day.


  1. 03.18.2014 / 10:33 pm

    Oh man! That is so scary! I am glad that all that happened was a blown out tire. I am glad you are alright!

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