Favorite Fictional Parents

I love a great example of parenting on TV, who doesn’t right? Fictional Parents can be people that we look to for examples on what to do and not to do as parents. Granted, maybe you’re not going to be put in similar situations but it’s always fun to see how other parents do it.

Dill & Rosemary Penderghast – Easy A

fictional parents

How can you not love this couple? Their humor, honesty with their children and hello, they adopted a kid. Clearly I am a huge fan of that. Personally I want to be like them one day with my kids with the humor, but also taking time to sit down with their daughter when she is acting a little crazy. I want to be the fun parent that children feel comfortable coming to for anything.

Robert & Cora Crawley – Downton Abbey

fictional parents

Let’s be real, who wouldn’t want to be royalty? Granted, it’s not like they are king and queen of England, but their life is a little better than most. That being said, together they have worked through so much and stuck together through it all. Losing a daughter, another daughter losing her husband and Robert messing up, but Cory still stayed with him. In life a lot of things happen and to be able to stick with your partner through it all is amazing.

Coach Eric & Tami Taylor – Friday Night Lights

fictional parents

Being a busy couple looks like a cake walk for these two, but they are never too busy for their daughter and every other kid in Dillon. When you are a coach you not only are a parent to your own child, but to all the children that you are coaching. The Taylors take on everything and handle it with ease. They are the type of parents/leaders that we hope to be.

Cliff & Clair Huxtable – The Cosby Show

Cliff & Clair Huxtable

Lets talk for a second here, these parents were what anyone would have wanted for their time. He was a doctor and she was an attorney, but you would never know it by the way they lived. Their children were never spoiled, they all worked hard for everything and where very relatable. They’re a funny couple (literally) and the mother was more the disciplinarian than the father was which is totally how my relationship is.

Marmee March – Little Women

fictional parents

Who are we kidding, any mother that can raise four amazing daughters like Mrs. March does has got to be respected and looked up to. Her husband is at war, but she keeps on parenting. The lady is amazing! I love how she is able to put her girls in their places and establishes a “March Manner” of living.

Marlin – Finding Nemo

fictional parents

Okay so maybe he’s animated, but to be a single dad and have your only child be taken away from you- can you even imagine? You fight until you get them back. He swims through the entire ocean until he finds his son, dealing with his biggest fears and doing what no guy will do, asks for directions. In the end he learns how to be the best parent of little Nemo by being his friend.

1 Comment

  1. Claire Schrecengost
    03.19.2015 / 1:50 pm

    Love this, and by the way, your wife is gorgeous!

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