Letter’s of L-O-V-E

I have always loved writing. In seventh grade I won a contest for the best short story. On my LDS mission I would write the longest letters (before you could email) to my friends and family updating them on my experiences. In college I would write papers that were always way longer than they needed to be and since I was a communication major I did a lot of writing (wrote a 37 page paper for one class).

::to the love of my life::

::to the love of my life::

But there is one thing that I love writing more than anything; LOVE LETTERS to my wife.

The part that I love most about it is not just the fact that I am writing my emotions and feelings down for her, but that they are saved. Hard copy. In a box. Forever.

::is it a box, or a book::

::is it a box, or a book::

We decided that on holidays we would write love letters to each other instead of giving gifts (let’s be real, we still give gifts), but the letters mean more than any gift we could give.

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